Modern Genetic Analysis: Integrating Genes and Genomes ( Second Edition)
by Anthony J. F. Griffiths, William M. Gelbart, Richard C. Lewontin, Jeffrey H. Miller
45 Animations
Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli
Three-Dimensional Packing of Nuclear Chromosomes
Translation: Peptide bond formation
Translation: The three steps of translation
DNA Replication: The nucleotide polymerization process
DNA Replication: Coordination of leading and lagging strand synthesis
DNA Replication: Replication of a chromosome
Meiotic Recombination Between Unlinked Genes by Independent Assortment
Meiotic Recombination Between Linked Genes by Crossing-Over
A Mechanism of Crossing-Over: Meselson-Radding heteroduplex model
A Mechanism of Crossing-Over: Genetic consequences of the Meselson-Radding model
Bacterial Conjugation and Mapping by Recombination
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Finding Specific Cloned Genes by Functional Complementation: Making a library of wild type yeast DNA
Finding Specific Cloned Genes by Functional Complementation: Functional complementation of the Gal yeast strain and recovery of the wild type GAL gene
Finding Specific Cloned Genes by Functional Complementation: Using the cloned GAL gene as a probe for GAL mRNA
RFLP Analysis and Gene Mapping: Detecting RFLP's
RFLP Analysis and Gene Mapping: Mapping a gene by RFLP analysis
DNA Microarrays: Using an oligonucleotide array to analyze patterns of gene expression
DNA Microarrays: Synthesizing an oligonucleotide array
Molecular Mechanism of Mutation: The Streisinger Model
UV-Induced Photodimers and Excision Repair
Replicative Transposition
Autotetraploid Meiosis
Meiotic Nondisjunction: at Meiosis I
Meiotic Nondisjunction: at Meiosis II
Chromosome Rearrangements: Paracentric Inversion, Formation of paracentric inversions
Chromosome Rearrangements: Paracentric Inversion, Meiotic behavior of paracentric inversions
Chromosome Rearrangements: Reciprocal Translocation, Formation of reciprocal translocations
Chromosome Rearrangements: Reciprocal Translocation, meiotic behavior of reciprocal translocations
Chromosome Rearrangements: Reciprocal Translocation, Psudolinkage of genes by reciprocal translocations
Screening and Selecting for Mutations
Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli: Assaying lactose presence/absence through the Lac repressor
Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli: Oc lac operator mutations
Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli: I lac repressor mutations
Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli: Is lac super-repressor mutations
Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, RR: Wild type
Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, rr: Homozygous recessive, null mutation
Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, r'r': Homozygous recessive, leaky mutation
Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, Rr: Heterozygous complete dominance
Nonsense Suppression at the Molecular Level: The rod nonsense mutation
Nonsense Suppression at the Molecular Level: The tRNA nonsense suppressor
Nonsense Suppression at the Molecular Level: Nonsense supression of the rod alele
Gene Interactions in Drosophila Embryogenesis: Cell Signaling in Dorsal-Ventral Axis Formation
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