《Life: the Science of Bilogy, 7th Edition》的配套教学动画,内容如下:
periodic table/Chemical Bond Formation/Synthesis of Prebiotic Molecules in an Experimental Atmosphere /Macromolecules /Pasteur's Experiment /Eukaryotic Cell Tour /The Golgi Apparatus /Passive Transport /Active Transport /Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis /Enzyme Catalysis /Allosteric Regulation of Enzymes /Electron Transport and ATP Synthesis /Two Experiments Demonstrate the Chemiosmotic Mechanism /The Source of the Oxygen Produced by Photosynthesis /Photophosphorylation /Tracing the Pathway of CO2 /Mitosis /Meiosis /Independent Assortment of Alleles /Alleles That Do Not Sort Independently /The Meselson-Stahl Experiment /DNA Replication, Part 1: Replication of a Chromosome and DNA Polymerization /DNA Replication, Part 2: Coordination of Leading and Lagging Strand Synthesis /Transcription /Deciphering The Genetic Code /Protein Synthesis /The lac Operon /The trp Operon/RNA Splicing /Initiation of Transcription /Signal Transduction Pathway /Separating Fragments of DNA by Gel Electrophoresis /DNA Chip Technology /DNA Testing by Allele-Specific Cleavage /Sequencing the Genome /Cells of the Immune System /Pregnancy Test /Cellular Immune Response /Humoral Immune Response /A B-Cell Builds an Antibody /Embryonic Stem Cells /Early Asymmetry in the Embryo /Pattern Formation in the Drosophila Embryo /Gastrulation /Tissue Transplants /veal the Process of Determination /Modularity /Evolution of the Continents /Natural Selection /Assessing the Costs of Adaptations /Speciation Mechanisms /Founder Events Lead to Allopatric Speciation /The Evolution of the Three Domains /Food Vacuoles Handle Digestion and Excretion /Family Tree of Chloroplasts /Life Cycle of a Moss /Life Cycle of a Conifer /Life Cycle of a Zygomycete /Life Cycle of a Cnidarian /Life Cycle of a Frog /Secondary Growth: The Vascular Cambium /The Pressure Flow Model /Nitrogen and Iron Deficiencies /Tropisms /Went's Experiment /Auxin Affects Cell Walls /Double Fertilization /The Effect of Interrupted Days and Nights /Signaling between Plants and Pathogens /Control, Regulation, and Feedback /Complete Metamorphosis /Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Endocrine Axis /Hormonal Regulation of Calcium /Fertilization in the Sea Urchin /The Ovarian and Uterine Cycles /The Resting Membrane Potential /The Action Potential /Synaptic Transmission /Sound Transduction in the Human Ear /Information Processing in the Retina /Information Processing in the Spinal Cord /Molecular Mechanism of Muscle Contraction /Smooth Muscle Action /Airflow in Birds /Airflow in Mammals /The Cardiac Cycle /The Digestion and /Absorption of Fats /Insulin and Glucose Regulation /The Mammalian Kidney /Hormonal Control of Sexual Behavior /Circadian Rhythms /Time-Compensated Solar Compass /The Costs of Defending a Territory /Foraging Behavior /Habitat Fragmentation /Primary Succession on a Glacial Moraine /Rain Shadow /Biomes /The Global Hydrological Cycle /The Global Carbon Cycle /The Ocean Conveyor Belt /The Global Nitrogen Cycle