《Introduction to Genetic Analysis》配套教学动画,内容如下:
Mitosis /Meiosis/3-Dimensional Structure of Nuclear Chromosomes /Meiotic Recombination Between Unlinked Genes by Independent Assortment /Meiotic Recombination Between Linked Genes by Crossing-Over /Bacterial Conjugation and Mapping by Recombination/Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, RR: Wild-Type /Interactions Between Allels at he Molecular Level, rr: Homozygous Recessive, Null Mutation /Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, rr: Homozygous Recessive, Leaky Mutation /Interactions Between Alleles at the Molecular Level, Rr: Heterozygous, Complete Dominance /DNA Replication: The Nucleotide Polymerization Process /DNA Replication: Coordination of Leading and Lagging Strand Synthesis /DNA Replication: Replications of a Chromosome /Transcription /Translation: Peptide-Bond Formation /Translation: The Three Steps of Translation /Nonsense Suppression at the Molecular Level: the rodns Allele /Rodns Mutation /Rodns Suppression /Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli /Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli: OC lac Operator Mutations /Regulation fo the Lactose System in E. coli: I-Lac Repressor Mutations /Regulation of the Lactose System in E. coli: IS Lac Superrepressor Mutations /Polymerase Chain Reaction /Complementation of the Gal-Yeast Strain and Recovery of the Wild-Type GAL gene/Making a Library of Wild-Type Yeast DNA /Using the Cloned GAL Gene as a Probe for GAL mRNA /RFLP Analysis and Gene Mapping /RFLP Analysis and Gene Mapping (Detection) /DAN Microarrays /DAN Microarrays (Synthesis) /Replicative Transposition /Molecular Mechanism of Mutation /UV-Induced Photodimers and Excision Repair /Meselson-Radding Heteroduplex Model /Genetic Consequences of the Meselson-Radding Model /Autotetraploid Meiosis /Meiotic Nondisjunction at Meiosis I/Meiotic Nondisjunction at Meiosis II /Paracentric Inversion, Formation of Paracentric Inversions /Paracentric Inversion, Meiotic Behavior of Paracentric Inversions /Reciprocal Translocation, Formation of Reciprocal Translocations/Reciprocal Translocation, Meiotic Behavior of Reciprocal Translocations /Reciprocal Translocation, Psuedolinkage of Genes by Reciprocal Translocations /Screening and Selecting for Mutations /Cell Signaling in Dorsal-Ventral Axis Formation