ForCon is a user-friendly software tool for the conversion of nucleic acid and amino acid sequence alignments. Many software packages for sequence alignment and the construction of evolutionary trees have implemented their own standard of saving and reading sequence alignments. To circumvent the labourious work of manually converting alignment formats with the use of a word processor, this program was written: it converts these formats automatically.
蛋白质与核酸序列格式并无统一标准,不同的数据库与不同的程序定义了不同的格式文件,可以说是千变万化,令人头痛。因此,序列格式转换程序悄然出现,ForCon 1.0便是一个出色代表。它是一个核酸与蛋白质不同序列格式文件的转换软件,可双向转换各种常 见的多序列格式文件。ForCon 1.0支持连续序列形式与隔行序列形式,也可互相转换。中文使用说明,506K,WORD97格式。