JaMBW, the Java based Molecular Biologist's Workbench
The programs and documentation that you will find hereby enclosed had been put together in order to try to give a free access to the exploitment of the most common bioinformatic operations that a molecular biologist currently has. The peculiar aspect of JaMBW, however, is to take advantage of the foremost developments in computer science in order to deliver information in a way simple to use. The latter includes, therefore, point-and-click, drag-and-drop, plug-and-play. Most of these requirements are met by the use of Java programming language conformant to the JDK1.02 specifications. To the user of these resources, however, the implementation details are of null interest.
浏览器均支持Java 语言,所以用 Java语言编写的分子生物学软件JaMBW便是在浏览器下工作的。JaMBW是一个分子生物学软件包,功能包括:序列格式转换、求序列的补体序列与逆序列、将DNA序列翻译成蛋白序列、序列分析、