Artemis is a free genome viewer and annotation tool that allows visualization of sequence features and the results of analyses within the context of the sequence, and its six-frame translation. Artemis is written in Java, and is available for UNIX, GNU/Linux, BSD, Macintosh and MS Windows systems. It can read complete EMBL and GENBANK database entries or sequence in FASTA or raw format. Extra sequence features can be in EMBL, GENBANK or GFF format.
Artemis是a DNA sequence viewer and annotation tool的缩写,为一个免费的DNA序列查看器与注释工具,可以以图形形式查看序列的各种分析结果与特性。以Java写成,需要安装JRE1.2后(5.1M),直接双击便可执行。程序读取EMBL与GENBANK格式的序列与纯DNA序列,为英国桑格中心推出。