Ten commandments of DNA and polyphosphate enzymology/Initiation of DNA replication and integration with the chromosome cycle/Structural analysis of processive DNA replication/Chromosome end replication, telomerase and the consequences of loss of telomere function/DNA is a right-handed double helix, but occasionally turns left-handed/From the double helix to paired helices/Biologists’ Responsibilities in a Time of Crisis Moderated by Jan Witkowski/The DNA heteroduplex/Making ends meet—Double-strand break repair in human cells/Repairing a chromosomal double-strand break by homologous recombination/Transposition and viral integration—Insights into the chemical and physical basis of catalysis and its control
Deconstructing ultraviolet mutagenesis—Some early history/Cellular responses to DNA damage/Identification of pathways that prevent genome instability/Deciphering the genetic code/Insights into the organization and development of the genetic code/The ribosome—An RNA-based molecular machine/Before the DNA world—Life with an extra OH/New roles of RNA in biology/Gene targeting into the 21st century/Comparative genomics/The DNA molecular as a mosaic of human evolution/The genome, medicine and society