Lecture 1: Safety, Chordate Diversity.
Lecture 2: Safety, Micropipetter, Microscope and Cells (from Spring 2009) No current lecture due to Labor day holiday.
Lecture 3: Transform, Enzymes, Microbiology-Vibrio isolation
Lecture 4: Colony Isolation, Complementation I, Vibrio streaking, Photosynthesis
Lecture 5: Plasmid Isolation and digestion, Complementation II, Genetics and Mol. Biol. I. Vibrio streaking.
Lecture 6: DNA electrophoresis, Complementation III, GMB. II Vibrio examination.
Lecture 7: Bioinformatics
Lecture 8: Anatomy. Labs are held this week and lab exam 1 will be given on Friday night.
Lecture 9: Invertebrates I.
Lecture 10: Invertebrates II.
Lecture 11: Reproduction and Development
Lecture 12: Review and QandA